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Stripe Account

Get the most famous online payment processing platform for businesses around the world.

Stripe Platform on a screen stripe dashboard open account

General information

What are the benefits of choosing Stripe?

In addition to the ease it provides to its users in terms of integrating its platform into websites, Stripe has other benefits that make it one of the most recognized payment gateways nowadays:

  • Low commission percentages: from 1.4% to 2.9%
  • Receipt of payments from anywhere in the world: It has a presence in 47 countries.
  • Works with 135 different currencies: Its wide currency capacity means that transactions can be carried out more easily.
  • Worldwide recognition: Being one of the most recognized platforms, it generates trust in customers who make payments in your store.

What are the requirements?

About Stripe

Prodezk supports you by creating your account on the most famous payment platform in the world.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a monthly subscription to use the platform?

No, the fees charged are for the transactions made and the payments received.

Does it work the same as Paypal?

It is a platform that allows you to receive payments around the world like Paypal, but offers greater benefits, such as integration to your website and lower commission rates.

Can I open a Stripe account if I have already applied for the ITIN but have not received it?

To open your stripe account, the personal tax identification number will be requested. It means you need to receive the ITIN to start the process.

What is the duration of the process?

The Stripe account opening process is immediate if all requirements are ready. The ITIN request, in case you need it, can take between 2 to 4 months.

Can I open a Stripe account with a personal a bank account in the United States?

If the use of the payment gateway is related to the commercial activity of the company, the associated bank account must be in the name of the company.

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