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Amazon Account

Open your seller account and start getting millions of clients with the biggest marketplace in the world.

Catalog of different products and services to sell in Amazon seller account

General information

Today e-commerce is providing thousands of growth opportunities for businesses, and Amazon, the world's largest platform, is driving success to millions of sellers offering different products in various categories.

Amazon is the most famous marketplace in the world, where, thanks to its excellent platform, sellers can offer their products for different markets, providing a reliable and fast experience to their customers.

The cost of the creation of the amazon seller account includes the request process of one ITIN.

This value doesn't include the initial or monthly payment of the Amazon professional account.

What are the benefits of opening an account as a seller in Amazon?

  • Amazon FBA: Amazon offers this special service with extra fees that facilitates logistics management for the seller. FBA stands for Fulfillment by Amazon, which means that the product is stored and shipped by Amazon.
  • Millions of clients: Amazon generates much more traffic than any seller's own website, which implies that the demand for the products is better.
  • Primeday: This discount campaign generates millions of sales due to the number of people who enter the platform through this campaign.

What are the requirements?

These are the document you need to create your account:

  • The company incorporation documents
  • Business address
  • The Business Bank Account Statement from the previous month
  • Identification document of the company's owner
  • Business Credit Card
  • U.S Telephone Number
  • ITIN (Individual Taxpayer Identification Number)

What are the Amazon Account types?

Amazon has two types of seller accounts:

  • Individual account: The platform charges US$0.90  for each item sold without any monthly subscription.
  • Professional account: It's a Monthy subscription of US$39.99  regardless of the amount of products sold.

The Professional account fee is charged at the moment the account is fully verified, and it isn't included in the value of our service.

About Amazon Account

We want to take your business to the next level. Do you need to open your seller account on Amazon? Contact us.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a phone number from the United States?

Yes, Amazon will text a code as one of the account verification steps. We can help you get a phone number in the United States in case you don’t have one, here.

If I decide to take the Amazon FBA service, does it have an additional cost?

Yes, amazon charges fees for each unit sold if the fulfillment service was performed by Amazon FBA and not by the seller. You can check it on the Amazon page.

How long does the process take?

Once all the documents are in place, the process can take 2 to 3 weeks. The application process for your ITIN can take from 2 to 4 months. Remember that you must already have an ITIN to create your Amazon account.

If I purchase the service with you, are you also going to sell the products for me?

The process of production, logistics and management of the seller account after it is created is handled by the client. At Prodezk we create your account on the Amazon platform and process your ITIN if you require it.

Do I need a physical address in the United States?

Yes, Amazon will mail a code as one of the account verification steps. We can help you get the address in case you don’t have one here.

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