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To properly close a company, it must file Articles or Certificate of Dissolution with the State.

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Important document for dissolve a company
General Information
Types of Dissolution
How to request it

There are thousands of reasons why a company must come to the place of dissolution, either simply because the partners decided to finish their alliance or because the company is going to move in other directions.

You must bear in mind that once the company is dissolved, you will not be able to carry out any type of operation. It is important to know that for this process to be carried out officially in the state, a voluntary dissolution must be requested.

Voluntary Dissolution:

This dissolution is carried out when the owners of the company are the ones that decide to do it. This type of dissolution does not allow the partners to reactivate the company in the future.

Administrative Dissolution:

This dissolution is carried out by the state when the company does not comply with state obligations. Therefore, in addition to generating the dissolution, penalties and interest will be presented on behalf of the company. This type of dissolution is reversible in some cases in which it is decided to carry out a reinstatement.

In each state the dissolution processes differ in some details, however it will be necessary to make the payment of all federal and state taxes that have not been paid until the time of dissolution, in addition to the payment of penalties and interest generated by the state.

It is also required to fill out the documents stipulated according to the state before proceeding to carry out the dissolution. It is important that the dissolution process is carried out correctly to avoid that the partners of the company continue as responsible to the state.

At Prodezk we carry out the entire process of a voluntary dissolution. We have a team of professionals who will provide you with the necessary advice to start with the management, and will be in charge of carrying out the dissolution for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if my company is up to date with state obligations?

Each state allows you to know the active or delinquent status of your company. You can also check that the annual reports and the taxes caused were filed correctly.

In which cases I can’t dissolve my company?

The only reason the state doesn't allow the dissolution of a business is if it has unpaid taxes or has unpaid annual reports. In this case, the company must be up to date with its obligations before proceeding with the dissolution.

How do I know that the dissolution was successful?

Once the dissolution is official, the state will send the appropriate documents informing that the process is finished.

What documents do I need to start the process?

To dissolve your company, you just have to send us the constitution documents (Articles of organization or incorporation and Certificate of status). From there, we take care of carrying out the process and keeping you informed of the steps to follow.

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